Ultradesign, architecture and design studio, was born in 1997 as design service provider with skills of creative, industrial and multimedia design. The main job areas are household appliances, furniture, gift goods and leisure sectors.
Deeply oriented to research, innovation and new technologies, Ultradesign plans and coordinates courses and workshop for senior and young students, based on teamworking and innovation methodologies in which are also involved Universities and several companies.
In 2004 Ultradesign was certificate for education by the Marche Region.


Mirco Palpacelli

Architect but mostly designer. I'm the "old man" of group. In studio the guys say I'm old-fashioned, uncool and dispersive ... they are good and I let them say!
Since boy I dreamed working in a team. In the years I've realized it's not so simple, but the advantage is greater than the risk.
Drawing is my favorite expression form even if, in my job, I'm experiencing beauty of words and storytelling's fascination.
I love Castiglioni, Munari, Colombo, but most of all I love anonymous design, eco-design and design for all, because I learned that "Design" is more important than "designer".
There is much to deepen, we can talk about it.

Eugenio Piazza

Multimedia Designer skillful in 3D modeling and animation, 3D mapping, drawing and 2D-3D graphics, audio and video.
Merging security of professionalism with pleasure of experimentation are keywords for a good result; using the best available tools without ever losing sight of goals.
Versatility, reliability, timing, stress and coffee are my watchwords.

Rowenna Ciaschini

Personal passions and training / working were (and are) accomplices and creators of diverse skills and abilities in the media experience and graphic design classic. Interest for the evolution of web and its many "ways" to communicate, influence and enrich a mix where curiosity, dedication and professional satisfaction reinforce the pretense of not wanting to do any else profession.

Lory Carbonari

I'm philosopher, ergo ... I do nothing!
I like red and blue.
I listen gladly others:
Riccardo says I'm able to cook.
Mirco says I'm able to coordinate team;
Rowenna says I'm able to coordinate Mirco;
Eugenio says ...nothing.
And I always say what I think.

Riccardo Sampaolesi

Looking, searching, observing, listening, understanding...
Inside me there are two fishes and two twins:
They listen, look, search, observe, discuss, sometimes they fight
but, at the end, they understand and find always a solution!

Mirco Palpacelli
Eugenio Piazza
Rowenna Ciaschini
Lory Carbonari
Riccardo Sampaolesi

© Ultradesign di Palpacelli Mirco | Via Mazzoleni 2bis - 600035 Jesi AN | P.Iva 01466810429